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Yamada S, Satoi S, Takami H, Yamamoto T, Yoshioka I, Sonohara F, Yamaki S, Shibuya K, Hayashi M, Hashimoto D, Ando M, Murotani K, Sekimoto M, Kodera Y, Fujii T
Multicenter randomized phase II trial of prophylactic right‐half dissection of superior mesenteric artery nerve plexus in pancreatoduodenectomy for pancreatic head cancer
Ann Gastroenterol Surg
2020; 5(1): 111-118.
Kimura N, Yamada S, Takami H, Murotani K, Yoshioka I, Shibuya K, Sonohara F, Hoshino Y, Hirano K, Watanabe T, Baba H, Mori K, Miwa T, Kanda M, Hayashi M, Matsui K, Okumura T, Kodera Y, Fujii T
Optimal preoperative multidisciplinary treatment in borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
Cancers (Basel)
2020; 13(1): 36
Inoue T, Maeda K, Nagano A, Shimizu A, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Sato K, Tsubaki A
Undernutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty in fragility hip fracture: Advanced strategies for improving clinical outcomes
2020; 12(12): 3743
Inukai D, Nishimura K, Okamoto H, Sano R, Ueda H, Ota A, Kaman S, Hosokawa Y, YoshikawaK, Suzuki S, Ueda R, Murotani K, Bradford CR, Ogawa T
Identification of cisplatin-resistant factor by integration of transcriptomic and proteomic data using head and neck carcinoma cell lines
Nagoya J Med Sci
2020; 82(3): 519-531
Ogasawara N, Nakiri M, Kurose H, Ueda K, Chikui K, Nishihara K, Matsuo M, Suekane S, Murotani K, Muraki K, Hattori C, Ogo E, Igawa T, Ishitake T
Longitudinal Changes in Health-related Quality of Life After 125I Low-dose-rate Brachytherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer.
Anticancer Res
2020; 41(11): 6443-6456
Shimizu A, Maeda K, Honda T, Ishida Y, Ueshima J, Nagami S, Nagano A, Inoue T, Murotani K, Kayashita J, Fujishima I, Mori N
Comparison between the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism definitions for the prevalence of malnutrition in geriatric rehabilitation care
Geriatr Gerontol Int
2020; 20(12): 1221-1227
Nagano A, Maeda K, Koike M, Murotani K, Ueshima J, Shimizu A, Inoue T, Sato K, Suenaga M, Ishida Y, Mori N
Effects of Physical Rehabilitation and Nutritional Intake Management on Improvement in Tongue Strength in Sarcopenic Patients
2020; 12(10): 3104
Kinugasa T, Nagasu S, Murotani K, Mizobe T, Ochi T, Isobe T, Fujita F, Akagi Y
Analysis of risk factors for anastomotic leakage after lower rectal Cancer resection, including drain type: a retrospective single-center study.
BMC Gastroenterol
2020; 20(1): 315
Saito T, Nakamura N, Murotani K, Shikama N, Takahashi T, Yorozu A, Heianna J, Kubota H, Tomitaka E, Toya R, Yamaguchi K, Oya N
Index and non-index pain endpoints in radiation therapy for painful tumors: A secondary analysis of a prospective observational study
Adv Radiat Oncol
2020; 5(6): 1118-1125
Ueshima J, Maeda K, Murotani K, Shimizu A, Nagano A, Sato K, Ishida Y, Mori N, Suenaga M
Estimating appendicular muscle mass in older adults with consideration on paralysis
Geriatr Gerontol Int
2020; 20(12): 1145-1150
Nakamura S, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Accurate Risk Stratification of Patients with Node-Positive Gastric Cancer by Lymph Node Ratio
World J Surg
2020; 44(12): 4184-4192
Ishida Y, Maeda K, Yamanaka Y, Matsuyama R, Kato R, Yamaguchi M, Nonogaki T, Shimizu A, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Mori N
Formula for the cross-sectional area of the muscles of the third lumbar vertebra level from the twelfth thoracic vertebra level slice on computed tomography
Geriatrics (Basel)
2020; 5(3): 47
Nishio S, Murotani K, Nakao S, Takenaka M, Suzuki S, Aoki Y, Todo Y, Hosaka M, Nakai H, Katabuchi H, Nishi H, Takekuma M, Mikami M, Enomoto T
Investigation of clinicopathological features of vulvar cancer in 1068 patients: A Japanese Gynecologic Oncology Group (JGOG) nationwide survey study
Gynecol Oncol
2020; 159(2): 449-455
Koizumi Y, Sakanashi D, Ohno T, Nakamura A, Yamada A, Shibata Y, Shiota A, Kato H, Hagihara M, Asai N, Watarai M, Murotani K, Yamagishi Y, Suematsu H, Mikamo H
Plasma procalcitonin levels remain low at the onset of gram-positive bacteremia regardless of severity or the presence of shock: A retrospective analysis of patients with detailed clinical characteristics
J Microbiol Immunol Inect
2020; S1684-1182(20) 30213-9
Ishida Y, Maeda K, Nonogaki T, Shimizu A, Yamanaka Y, Matsuyama R, Kato R, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Mori N
SARC-F as a Screening Tool for Sarcopenia and Possible Sarcopenia Proposed by AWGS 2019 in Hospitalized Older Adults
J Nutr Health Aging
2020; 24(10): 1053-1060
Saito T, Shikama N, Yorozu A, Kubota H, Murotani K, Yamaguchi K, Oya N, Nakamura N
Inconsistencies in assessment of pain endpoints in radiotherapy for painful tumors: Analysis of original articles in the Green and Red Journals
Clin Transl Radiat Oncol
2020; 24: 111-115
Saji N, Murotani K, Hisada T, Kunihiro T, Tsuduki T, Sugimoto T, Kimura A, Niida S, Toba K, Sakurai T
Relationship between dementia and gut microbiome-associated metabolites: a cross-sectional study in Japan.
Sci Rep
2020; 10(1): 8088
Nakamura Y, Takanari K, Nakamura R, Ono M, Uchibori T, Hishida M, Murotani K, Ebisawa K, Akagawa M, Kamei Y
Correlation between blood flow, tissue volume and microvessel density in the flap
Nagoya J Med Sci
2020; 82: 291-300
Nishijima M, Baba H, Murotani K, Tokai R, Watanabe T, Hirano K, Shibuya K, Hojo S, Matsui K, Yoshioka I, Okumura T, Fujii T
Early ambulation after general and digestive surgery: a retrospective single-center study
Langenbecks Arch Surg
2020; 405(5): 613-622
Ito K, Murotani K, Kubo A, Kunii E, Taniguchi H, Shindoh J, Asada K, Imaizumi K, Takahashi K, Karayama M, Okuno M, Inui N, Hataji O, Morikawa S, Hayai S, Suda T, Abe T, Tsuda T, Yamaguchi T, Kimura T, Oya Y, Yoshidas T, Hida
Propensity Score Analysis of Overall Survival Between First- And Second-Generation EGFR-TKIs Using the Real-World Data
Cancer Sci
2020; 111(10): 3705-3713
Ueno H, Ishiguro M, Nakatani E, Ishikawa T, Uetake H, Teramukai S, Matsui S, Murotani K, Ajioka Y, Shimazaki H, Maeda A, Takuma K, Yoshida T, Kambara T, Matsuda K, Takagone A, Tomita N, Sugihara K
Optimal criteria for G3(poorly differentiated) stage II colon cancer: prospective validation in a randomised controlled study (SACURA trial)
Am J Surg Pathol
2020; 44(12): 1685-1698
Koizumi Y, Sakanashi D, Mohri T, Watanabe H, Shiota A, Asai N, Kato H, Hagihara M, Murotani K, Yamagishi Y, Suematsu H, Mikamo H
Can presepsin uniformly respond to various pathogens? - an in vitro assay of new sepsis marker -
BMC Immunol
2020; 21(1): 33
Hoshino T, Sasanabe R, Murotani K, Hori R, Mano M, Nomura A, Konishi N, Baku M, Arita A, Kuczynski W, Shiomi T
Insomnia as a Symptom of Rapid Eye Movement-Related Obstructive Sleep Apnea
J Clin Med
2020; 9(6): 1821
Shinozuka T, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
D2 lymph node dissection confers little benefit on the overall survival of older patients with resectable gastric cancer: a propensity score-matching analysis of a multi-institutional dataset
Surg Today
2020; 50(11): 1434-1442
Sawaki K, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Survival times are similar among patients with peritoneal, hematogenous, and nodal recurrences after curative resections for gastric cancer
Cancer Med
2020; 9(15): 5392-5399
Yamada S, Fujii T, Yamamoto T, Takami H, Yoshioka I, Yamaki S, Sonohara F, Shibuya K, Motoi F, Hirano S, Murakami Y, Inoue H, Hayashi M, Murotani K, Kitayama J, Ishikawa H, Kodera Y, Sekimoto M, Satoi S
Phase I/II Study of Adding Intraperitoneal Paclitaxel in Patients With Pancreatic Cancer and Peritoneal Metastasis
Br J Surg
2020; 107(13): 1811-1817
Nishikawa K, Murotani K, Fujitani K, Inagaki H, Akamaru Y, Tokunaga S, Takagi M, Tamura S, Sugimoto N, Shigematsu T, Yoshikawa T, Ishiguro T, Nakamura M, Hasegawa H, Morita S, Miyashita Y, Tsuburaya A, Sakamoto J, Tsujinaka T
Differences in disease status between patients with progression after first-line chemotherapy versus early relapse after adjuvant chemotherapy who undergo second-line chemotherapy for gastric cancer: Exploratory analysis of the randomized phase III TRICS trial.
Eur J Cancer
2020; 132: 159-167
Shoka M, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Systemic Inflammation Score as a Predictor of Pneumonia after Radical Resection of Gastric Cancer: Analysis of a Multi-Institutional Dataset.
Dig Surg
2020; 37(5): 401-410
Kanda M, Koike M, Fukaya M, Miyata K, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Hayashi M, Yamada S, Nakayama G, Murotani K, Fujiwara M, Nagino M, Kodera Y
A prospective trial to evaluate treatment effects of a β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate containing nutrient for leakage at the anastomotic site after esophagectomy.
Nagoya J Med Sci
2020; 82(1): 33-37
Nakanishi K, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Shimizu D, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Propensity-score-matched analysis of a multi-institutional dataset to compare postoperative complications between Billroth I and Roux-en-Y reconstructions after distal gastrectomy.
Gastric Cancer
2020; 23(4): 734-745
Fujita K, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Association between Lymphovascular Invasion and Recurrence in Patients with pT1N+ or pT2–3N0 Gastric Cancer: a Multi-institutional Dataset Analysis
J Gastric Cancer
2020; 20(1): 41-49
Nishio Y, Hoshino T, Murotani K, Furuhashi A, Baku M, Sasanabe R, Kazaoka Y, Shiomi T
Treatment outcome of oral appliance in patients with REM-related obstructive sleep apnea
Sleep Breath
2020; 24(4): 1339-1347
Yamada S, Sonohara F, Tashiro M, Murotani K, Takami H, Hayashi M, Kanda M, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Nakayama G, Koike M, Fujii T, Kodera Y
Clinical impact of additional therapy for residual pancreatic cancer
Surg Today
2020; 50(5): 440-448
Tsutsuyama M, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Tumor size  ≥50 mm as an Independent Prognostic Factor for Patients with Stage II or III Gastric Cancer After Postoperative S-1 Monotherapy: Analysis of a Multi-institution Dataset.
World J Surg
2020; 44(1): 194-201
Ito Y, Kanda M, Ito S, Mochizuki Y, Teramoto H, Ishigure K, Murai T, Asada T, Ishiyama A, Matsushita H, Tanaka C, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Murotani K, Kodera Y
Prognosis after laparoscopic gastrectomy in patients with pathological stage II or III gastric cancer who were preoperatively diagnosed with clinical stage I: Propensity score matching analysis of a multicenter dataset
Ann Surg Oncol
2020; 27(1): 268-275
Kanda M, Suh YS, Park DJ, Tanaka C, Ahn SH, Kong SH, Lee HJ, Kobayashi D, Fujiwara M, Shimada H, Cho B, Murotani K, Kim HH, Yang HK, Kodera Y
Serum levels of ANOS1 serve as a diagnostic biomarker of gastric cancer: a prospective multicenter observational study
Gastric Cancer
2020; 23(2): 203-211
Tanaka C, Kanda M, Funasaka K, Miyahara R, Murotani K, Tanaka Y, Takeda S, Kobayashi D, Hirooka Y, Fujiwara M, Goto H, Kodera Y
Detection of indocyanine green fluorescence to determine tumor location during laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer: Results of a prospective study
Asian J Endosc Surg
2020; 13(2): 160-167
Imai H, Morita M, Morita H, Ohyama T, Tanaka S, Uchida S, Namiki N, Uemura N, Ohashi K
The μ-opioid receptor gene polymorphism 118A>G weakens the pharmacological action of buprenorphine
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
2020; 58: 626-633
Hamada N, Kawano KI, Yusoff FM, Furukawa K, Nakashima A, Maeda M, Yasuda H, Maruhashi T, Higashi Y.
Ionizing Irradiation Induces Vascular Damage in the Aorta of Wild-Type Mice.
Oct 18;12(10):3030, 2020.
Yano C, Kawayama T, Kinoshita T, Tokunaga Y, Sasaki J, Sakazaki Y, Matsuoka M, Imaoka H, Nishiyama M, Matsunaga K, Furukawa K, Hoshino T.
Overweight improves long-term survival in Japanese patients with asthma.
Allergology International.
S1323-8930(20)30136-2. doi: 10.1016/j.alit.2020.09.009. 2020.
Kaiser JC, Misumi M, Furukawa K.
Biologically-based modeling of radiation risk and biomarker prevalence for papillary thyroid cancer in Japanese a-bomb survivors 1958-2005
Int J Radiat Biol.
Jul 2:1-12. 2020.
Soejima M, Munkhtulga L, Furukawa K, Iwamoto S, Koda Y.
Serum haptoglobin correlates positively with cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in an obese Mongolian population
Clin Chim Acta.
505:176-182. 2020
Ohyama T
Statistical inference of agreement coefficient between two raters with binary outcomes
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
2020; 49(10): 2529-2539
Honda C, Ohyama T
Homogeneity score test of AC1 statistics and estimation of common AC1 in multiple or stratified inter-rater agreement studies
BMC Medical Research Methodology
2020; 20:20
Toyoda A, Kozaki T, Ishii K, Taniishi M, Hattori M, Matsuda H, Yoshida T.
Comprehensive analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression in orally tolerized T cells
PLoS ONE 15(2): e0229042.
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