江村剛志准教授が、ロンドンで開催されたCM Statistics 2022で招待講演を行いました。
セッション名:Beyond proportional hazards and standard survival
オーガナイザー: D. Dobler and M. Ditzhaus
講演1. M. Gorfine
K-sample omnibus non-proportional hazards tests based on right-censored data
講演2. T. Emura
Factorial survival analysis for treatment effects under dependent censoring
講演3. T. Fernandez
A multiple kernel testing procedure for non-proportional hazards in factorial designs.
講演4. B. Ozenne
Benefit-risk assessment via generalized pairwise comparisons
講演5. S. Friedrich
Bootstrapping complex survival models: From type-II censoring to causal inference
オーガナイザー: D. Dobler and M. Ditzhaus
講演1. M. Gorfine
K-sample omnibus non-proportional hazards tests based on right-censored data
講演2. T. Emura
Factorial survival analysis for treatment effects under dependent censoring
講演3. T. Fernandez
A multiple kernel testing procedure for non-proportional hazards in factorial designs.
講演4. B. Ozenne
Benefit-risk assessment via generalized pairwise comparisons
講演5. S. Friedrich
Bootstrapping complex survival models: From type-II censoring to causal inference